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Flood Hazard Maps (FHM) and Flood Risk Maps (FRM) 3rd Cycle (2022-2027)

Review and Update of FHM and FRM in the 3rd Planning Cycle


The Polish Waters (PGW WP, Wody Polskie) are currently working on the review and update of planning documents related to flood risk management in the 3rd planning cycle (2022-2027) of implementing Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks (Floods Directive).

According to Article 171, paragraph 8 of the Water Law Act of 20 July 2017, flood hazard maps (FHM) and flood risk maps (FRM) are subject to review every 6 years and, if necessary, to update.

In accordance with the Water Law Act, the review and, if necessary, the update of FHM and FRM in the 3rd planning cycle should be completed by 22 December 2025.

On 25 September 2023, the work began on the review of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps.

The purpose of the review of FHM and FRM is to identify significant changes in flood hazard and risk and to determine the scope of updates for FHM and FRM, as well as the necessary data.

During the review of FHM and FRM for river floods, the following factors/criteria are considered:

  • results of the analysis of comments submitted on FHM and FRM in the 2nd planning cycle (letters from administrative authorities, internal comments from Polish Waters, and others);
  • results of the review of input data for flood hazard maps;
  • results of the review of hydraulic models that are the basis for determining flood hazard areas;
  • results of the review of input data for flood risk maps.

As part of the review, the current relevance of data that significantly affect the results of hydraulic models, which are the basis for determining flood hazard areas, is verified. For this purpose, an inventory of investments completed since the last FHM was developed and planned to be implemented by 2025 has been carried out, which could impact the extent of flood hazard areas. This information was obtained through surveys of local government authorities, PGW WP units, maritime authorities, GDDKiA, PKP, and road authorities operating in areas where flood hazard areas exists. The information gathered includes: the construction and reconstruction of water facilities, mobile flood protection systems, the construction and modernization of road and railway engineering structures (e.g., bridges, culverts), and linear road and railway investments affecting flood water flow conditions.

Significant changes in landform and land cover are also analyzed as part of the review. The data analyzed includes the digital terrain model, channel cross-sections and land cover data in the floodplain.

The analysis of hydraulic models is linked to the review of hydrological and meteorological data.

As part of the review of flood risk maps, data sources are verified and current data necessary for updating FRM is identified.

The results of the analyses conducted will form the basis for determining the scope of update for FHM and FRM in the 3rd planning cycle.

The results of the review will be available in the third quarter of 2024. The update of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps for the rivers or river sections identified in the review will be completed by 22 December 2025.