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Review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment in the 2nd planning cycle

Review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment in the 2nd planning cycle were carried out as part of a project funded by the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2014–2020.

As part of the review and update of the PFRA, data on historical floods (from 2011 to 2018) was supplemented and flood risk was re-analysed and assessed. 

As a result of the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment, areas of potential significant flood risk  were identified for 3 types of floods:

  • for fluvial floods – a total of about 29,000 km of rivers, including
  • river sections identified in the 2011 PFRA for which FHMs and FRMs were developed in the 1st planning cycle – about14,500 km,
  • river sections identified in the 2011 PFRA, for which FHMs and FRMs were developed
    in the 2nd planning cycle – about13,500 km,
  • river sections indicated in the 2018 PFRA review and update – about1,300 km;
  • seawater floods, including marine internal waters – in total about1,200 km of rivers and coastal sections, of which:
  • estuarine sections of rivers – about450 km,
  • lagoon sections – 269 km,
  • coastal areas – 495 km;
  • for floods resulting from the destruction or damage to a damming structures – 26 dam reservoirs with a dam height above 10 m (10 in the Oder river basin district and 16 in the Vistula river basin district).


The results of the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment were published on 22 December 2018.


Map  showing the areas of potential significant flood risk for rivers designated in the 2nd planning cycle


PFRA review and update report (2018)

A detailed description of the methodology and scope of the development of the PFRA review and update in 2nd planning cycle is presented in the "Report on the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment" and its appendices, available below.

Report on the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment

Appendix 1a Updated methodology of preliminary flood risk assessment

Appendix 1b Methodology for preparing a preliminary flood risk assessment (PFRA) for groundwater floods

Appendix 1c Methodology for preparing a preliminary flood risk assessment (PFRA) for seawater floods

Appendix 2 Summary of the results of the survey of the local government units (LGUs) regarding historical floods and changes in the level of flood hazard and flood risk

Appendix 3 Tabular summaries of data on significant historical floods, probable floods and areas of potential significant flood risk

Appendix 4 Summary of opinions submitted by voivodes and marshals of voivodeships with the method and justification of their consideration

Cartographic visualisation of the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment for the area of Poland

Cartographic illustrations of the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment by river basin districts

Cartographic illustrations of the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment by water regions

Cartographic illustrations of the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment by voivodeships

Final version of PFRA spatial database

Description of the PFRA spatial database