Review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment in the 3rd planning cycle
State Water Holding Polish Waters is currently carrying out work related to the review and update of planning documents on flood risk management in the 3rd planning cycle (2022– 2027) of the implementation of Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks (Floods Directive).
According to the Water Law Act, the preliminary flood risk assessment is reviewed every 6 years and updated if necessary. The review and update of the PFRA in the 3rd planning cycle should take place by 22 December 2024.
On 18 September 2023, work on the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment started. The contractor for this task is a Consortium comprising the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (Leader) and Arcadis (Partner).
Aim and scope of the PFRA
The aim of the PFRA is to assess the flood risk and to identify areas of potential significant flood risk. For these areas, flood hazard maps and flood risk maps are prepared in the further stages of the implementation of the Floods Directive and measures are established in flood risk management plans.
The main purpose of reviewing and updating the PFRA in the 3rd planning cycle is to complete the data on historical floods and to analyse and assess changes in flood risk since the last update of the PFRA throughout the country, taking into account the division into river basin districts.
As a part of the review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment, several stages of work can be distinguished:
- Identification and description of significant historical floods with an assessment of their adverse impacts on: health and life, economic activity, the environment and cultural heritage;
- Identification and description of floods that may occur in the future (probable floods) including an assessment of the potential adverse impacts of floods for the same 4 categories as indicated above;
- Carrying out a forecast of long-term developments, including in particular: changes in land use and the impact of climate change on the occurrence of floods;
- Identification of areas of potential significant flood risk;
- Analysis of changes and classification of flood risk.
Once all the analyses have been carried out, a draft report on the review and update of the PFRA will be prepared in order to be submitted for consultations and agreements resulting from the
A preliminary seawater flood risk assessment will be included in the draft PFRA prepared by State Water Holding Polish Waters. According to the Water Law Act, the minister in charge of maritime economy is responsible for preparing a review and update of the preliminary seawater flood risk assessment.
Consultation and agreements of the PFRA draft
The process of consultation and agreement of the PFRA draft will be carried out based on the provisions of the Water Law Act.
In accordance with art. 168 sec. 3 of the Water Law Act, State Water Holding Polish Waters shall submit the draft preliminary flood risk assessment to voivodes for their opinion and to the minister in charge of inland navigation for agreement in the area concerning inland waterways. These authorities shall submit their opinion or agreement within 45 days from the date of receiving the draft of PFRA. After consideration and taking into account justified comments, State Water Holding Polish Waters will forward the draft preliminary flood risk assessment to the minister in charge of water management for approval. In the next step, the PFRA document will be handed over to the director of the Government Centre for Security and also published in the Bulletin of Public Information. The preliminary flood risk assessment will also be forwarded to the European Commission within 3 months of its update.